Classical Guitar and theory of music: Foundation of Artistic Education in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Oboe, conducting studies and theory of music: Academy of Music in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Composition and conducting (with Ernst Widmer), violin, piano, symphonic percussion, theory of music: Federal University of Salvador in Bahia, Brazil.
Lectures and workshops on composition (with Milko Kelemann, L.C. Vinholes, Micheline Coulombe of Saint-Marcoux and Hans Joachim Koellreuter) Lesson VIII of Latin-American contemporary music in São João Del Rei, Brazil
Analysis and transcription of music (with Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini and Jürg Stenzl) at the Institute of musicology at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Harpsichord lessons with Nicole Hostettler and Claire Anne Piguet (Vevey and Lausanne-Switzerland)